Practical Ways to Improve Your Mental Well-Being

Practical Ways to Improve Your Mental Well-Being

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of many. We’ve all had to adjust to a new and frequently changing “normal,” which greatly impacts our mental health – whether we realize it or not.

Everyone faces challenges that affect their mental health, and one in five people will experience a diagnosable mental health condition during their lifetime. In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, WellcomeMD physicians share resources and practical tips for managing your mental health.

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Reclaiming Your Health in the Face of Adversity

Reclaiming Your Health in the Face of Adversity

In a world of COVID-19, having a proper diet and developing good habits are essential for minimizing risk and maintaining optimal health. Dr. John Woodward uses a method called the "Rule of 5s" and mentions ideal fruits, vegetables, and supplements, that can boost immune response and have numerous other benefits.

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Your genetics hold valuable insight into your response to diet, exercise, sleep, and stress

Your genetics hold valuable insight into your response to diet, exercise, sleep, and stress

WellcomeMD’s genetic fitness and nutrition assessment gives patients insight into their optimal diet and exercise regimes as well as how their genetics impact their sleep and stress. Our proactive, preventative style dives deep into individualized medicine to make sure our patients are receiving the care that works specifically for them based on the results of this advanced genetic assessment.

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Should I Switch to Concierge Medicine?

Should I Switch to Concierge Medicine?

Deciding to change your primary care provider is no small decision. Frequently, the choice comes down to patient care: how much time their doctors allot for each appointment, whether their doctors go in-depth when discussing their health, and so on. As doctors struggle to keep up with all of their patients, getting high-level care isn’t easy. For many people, the answer is concierge medicine, or membership medicine.

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